Monday 16 February 2009

Octo-Mom and other oddities

I was listening to Todd Campbell from Through the Looking Glass blog's interview on Red Ice Creations radio, link here
and the mention of the Octo-Mom alerted my brain to a couple of things I will mention here.

First thing that came to my attention is the name of 33 year-old Octo-Mom, Nadya Suleman aka Natalie Suleman aka Natalie Doud. Natalie made my ears prick up as it's meaning from Italian is Birth of Christ and Natal from the latin means birth. Nadya/Nadia means Hope in Russian and in Arabic, announcer or caller. With all the recent messiah-talk recently, I thought we might being sent some kind of message.

Suleman also made me take notice due to the location of the previous Temples of Solomon and where Zionazis wish to build the third one. Temple Mount in Jerusalem. At the moment however it is currently occupied by the Dome of the Rock which is an octagonal building.

This 8-sided building thus resonates with Octo-Mom's babies who have all been given biblical names plus the middle-name of....Angel. The Dome of the Rock is where Muhammed was taken up to heaven by an Angel.

And speaking of Angels, Octo-Mom herself has been accused of being obsessed with Angelina Jolie. Angelina is also the the mother of twins which also synchs in with Octo-Mom's 2-year old twins. Octo-Mom also gave birth at the Kaiser Permanente hospital which has also been in the news recently.

Kaiser Permanente was the employers of the ill-fated 8 member family which included two sets of twins. The note that the Father sent to a TV station after killing his family and before he killed himself contained the Masonic distress signal 'Oh Lord, my God, is there no hope for this widow's son.
This is a reference to Hiram Abiff the Master Mason who built the original Solomons Temple. The story is here

The location of the Temple/Dome of the Rock was where Jesus (the Permanent King? aka Kaiser Permanente?) cleared the Moneychangers from the Temple. At the moment we are certainly seeing our Moneychangers/Bankers in some sort of upheaval. And wasn't it the Temple of Solomon that the architects of modern-day banking, the Templars made their home?

PS. Did I forget to mention the name of the father of the Octuplets. It's David Solomon!

PPS. And Octo-Mom's grandmother is called Angela, her grandfather is Edward Doud (David?) Suleman


  1. Yep. Its all there. They're rebuilding the temple of solomon a long stated freemasonic goal. This has to do with genetics more than constructing a real building.

  2. Nice! As soon as I heard this story the octo-mom's name stuck out to me. I watched Sicko last week; Kaiser Permanente was the company that basically started the HMO healthcare trend of screwing over patients for profit in the 60's -with Nixon's blessing of course.
