Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Water Fluoridation - Fluoride in the UK
Well, my first post in a while, I have been looking at various things and am ready to write about them. This article is based on research by a friend, Freeman Stuart
The first issue is the state of our water
The second is the hole through which we ingest it.
The third is the issue of Laws which I will leave for another post coming soon.
Fluoride inhibits neuromuscular activity,
Gives kidney problems
IQ of children is lowered in fluoridated areas.
Formula made with fluoridated water contains 250 times more fluoride than the concentration found in human breast milk in non-fluoridated areas
The United States Pharmacopoeia lists some of the side effects from drinking 1 to 2 pints daily of municipally fluoridated water. The list includes: nausea, bloody vomit, faintness, stomach cramps, tremors, constipation, aching bones, stiffness, skin rash, weight loss, and brown or black discoloration of the teeth.
Buy a reverse osmosis filtration unit and charge it to the water company.
The first issue is the state of our water
The second is the hole through which we ingest it.
The third is the issue of Laws which I will leave for another post coming soon.
What is in our water and why?
What's Fluoride anyway?
Element in earths crust. 13th most abundant.
It is always in combination with other minerals.
Two compunds of fluoride used in UK water.
* hexafluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6) also known as fluorosilicic acid
* disodium hexafluorosilicate (Na2SiF6) also known as sodium fluorosilicate
Found in solid form in
Fluorspar (also called fluorite) is found in most parts of the world. It is a mineral containing between 30 to 98 percent calcium fluoride.
Cryolite is a compound of aluminium, sodium, and fluoride. Because of its low melting point, it is preferred for industrial use, but is not a major source of fluoride for water fluoridation.
Apatite is a deposit of a mixture of calcium compounds, including calcium phosphates, calcium fluorides, and calcium carbonates. Apatite contains between 3 to 7 percent fluoride and is the main source of fluorides used in water fluoridation.
(Lowe, L.T., The Student’s Handbook to Animal Nutrition Littlebury & Company Ltd, The Worcester Press, Worcester),
published around 1949, fluorine is classified as a ‘Harmful Mineral Element’ and ‘a cumulative poison’.
Sodium Fluoride cannot be assimilated by the body. It becomes instant poison, because it cannot be eliminated without much extra effort from the kidneys. This means that there is always a build-up in the system. Allegedly kidney patients have died in the same way as rats, because they need to drink a great deal of water to flush out the toxins, a job that their malfunctioning kidneys find impossible. They are consuming a greater quantity of Sodium Fluoride than the average person in a shorter timespan, and some have found the strain on their systems too great.
UK toothpaste packages warn to use only a pea-sized piece and to supervise children to make sure they do not swallow. In the US, all fluoride toothpastes are obliged to carry a distinct poison warning.
UK COUNCILS AGAINST FLUORIDE. The Status of Fluoridation Chemicals in UK and EC Legislation, said
"The fluorosilicates used for water fluoridation are complex inorganic derivatives of hydrofluoric acid (HF). HF is a very toxic and corrosive poison, and its derivative, the fluorosilicic acid used very widely to fluoridate public water supplies, is a very hazardous substance whose handling, transport and use are strictly regulated under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002. Sodium fluorosilicate ('silicofluoride') is a Part II poison whose administration to any person is forbidden under the Poisons List Order 1982, whilst fluorosilicic acid contains up to 15% by volume of HF, which is also a listed Part II poison under the Act. The administration of either substance, or of any substance containing them, to the public is forbidden under the Poisons Act 1972, and constitutes an assault under the provisions of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861"
Patent for rat and insect poison applied for in 1921.
Why do we put this in our water?
NHS tells us "Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that is found in water and some foods. Fluoride can also be synthesised (manufactured) by using chemical processes, and synthetic fluoride is used in toothpaste. It is also sometimes added to drinking water in very small quantities."
"In the UK, the Department of Health and The British Dental Association (BDA) recommend that fluoride should be added to tap water because of its proven oral health benefits, particularly in promoting the development of healthy teeth in children, and significantly reducing the incidence of tooth decay."
Fluoride has two important properties:
* it helps repair damaged tooth enamel, and
* it helps eliminate the bacteria and plaque in your mouth."
There are many UK councils that are opposed to water fluoridation,
see http://www.ukcaf.org/ (UK councils against fluoride)
The Midlands, the Newcastle area and Yorkshire areas are all artificially flouridated water supplies.
Birmingham was the first to be flouridated in 1964.
Health Secretary Alan Johnson has called for fluoride to be added to England's water supplies as a key means of tackling tooth decay.
He wants strategic health authorities (SHAs), which are already able to compel water companies to add the chemical, to use those powers.
Southampton is the next target.
What's Fluoride anyway?
Element in earths crust. 13th most abundant.
It is always in combination with other minerals.
Two compunds of fluoride used in UK water.
* hexafluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6) also known as fluorosilicic acid
* disodium hexafluorosilicate (Na2SiF6) also known as sodium fluorosilicate
Found in solid form in
Fluorspar (also called fluorite) is found in most parts of the world. It is a mineral containing between 30 to 98 percent calcium fluoride.
Cryolite is a compound of aluminium, sodium, and fluoride. Because of its low melting point, it is preferred for industrial use, but is not a major source of fluoride for water fluoridation.
Apatite is a deposit of a mixture of calcium compounds, including calcium phosphates, calcium fluorides, and calcium carbonates. Apatite contains between 3 to 7 percent fluoride and is the main source of fluorides used in water fluoridation.
(Lowe, L.T., The Student’s Handbook to Animal Nutrition Littlebury & Company Ltd, The Worcester Press, Worcester),
published around 1949, fluorine is classified as a ‘Harmful Mineral Element’ and ‘a cumulative poison’.
Sodium Fluoride cannot be assimilated by the body. It becomes instant poison, because it cannot be eliminated without much extra effort from the kidneys. This means that there is always a build-up in the system. Allegedly kidney patients have died in the same way as rats, because they need to drink a great deal of water to flush out the toxins, a job that their malfunctioning kidneys find impossible. They are consuming a greater quantity of Sodium Fluoride than the average person in a shorter timespan, and some have found the strain on their systems too great.
UK toothpaste packages warn to use only a pea-sized piece and to supervise children to make sure they do not swallow. In the US, all fluoride toothpastes are obliged to carry a distinct poison warning.
UK COUNCILS AGAINST FLUORIDE. The Status of Fluoridation Chemicals in UK and EC Legislation, said
"The fluorosilicates used for water fluoridation are complex inorganic derivatives of hydrofluoric acid (HF). HF is a very toxic and corrosive poison, and its derivative, the fluorosilicic acid used very widely to fluoridate public water supplies, is a very hazardous substance whose handling, transport and use are strictly regulated under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002. Sodium fluorosilicate ('silicofluoride') is a Part II poison whose administration to any person is forbidden under the Poisons List Order 1982, whilst fluorosilicic acid contains up to 15% by volume of HF, which is also a listed Part II poison under the Act. The administration of either substance, or of any substance containing them, to the public is forbidden under the Poisons Act 1972, and constitutes an assault under the provisions of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861"
Patent for rat and insect poison applied for in 1921.
Why do we put this in our water?
NHS tells us "Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that is found in water and some foods. Fluoride can also be synthesised (manufactured) by using chemical processes, and synthetic fluoride is used in toothpaste. It is also sometimes added to drinking water in very small quantities."
"In the UK, the Department of Health and The British Dental Association (BDA) recommend that fluoride should be added to tap water because of its proven oral health benefits, particularly in promoting the development of healthy teeth in children, and significantly reducing the incidence of tooth decay."
Fluoride has two important properties:
* it helps repair damaged tooth enamel, and
* it helps eliminate the bacteria and plaque in your mouth."
There are many UK councils that are opposed to water fluoridation,
see http://www.ukcaf.org/ (UK councils against fluoride)
The Midlands, the Newcastle area and Yorkshire areas are all artificially flouridated water supplies.
Birmingham was the first to be flouridated in 1964.
Health Secretary Alan Johnson has called for fluoride to be added to England's water supplies as a key means of tackling tooth decay.
He wants strategic health authorities (SHAs), which are already able to compel water companies to add the chemical, to use those powers.
Southampton is the next target.
Is it good for teeth?
www.ukcaf.org says
Fluoride is not essential for human growth and development, and the fluoride content of the body is not under physiological control.
www.fluoridealert.org reports
The CDC’s concession, in 1999 and 2001, that the predominant benefit of fluoride in reducing tooth decay is TOPICAL and not SYSTEMIC. To the extent fluoride works to reduce tooth decay, it works from the outside of the tooth, not from inside the body. It makes no sense to drink it and expose the rest of the body to the long term risks of fluoride ingestion when fluoridated toothpaste is readily available.
York Report
This 110 page report, known as the York Report, is being touted by proponents as giving fluoridation a clean bill of health.
Highlights of the report.
Reviewed 3,231 studies - rejected 93% or 3,017 studies - used 214 studies.
Of these studies selected, the vast majority were graded as Level C "poor quality with a risk of bias." None reached the highest quality (Level A).
Excludes ALL animal and toxicological studies.
Ignored the question of Total Fluoride Intake from all sources.
At a water fluoride level of 1.0 ppm, the prevalence of fluorosis was estimated to be 48%.
What are the side effects?
There are many side effects that are thought to be attributable to fluoride, but because of the lack of quality studies and reviews into the side effects it is difficult to say for definate,
Fluoride is known to be a cumulative poison, and a neurotoxin.
Dental Fluorosis, White and brown spots appear on the enamel of the teeth - causing a 'mottled' effect. This is the first sign that fluoride has poisoned enzymes in the body.
Links to ostio-sarcoma, a rare form of bone disease, have been made,
Joint and bone aches, which are known to disapear when the individual stops using fluoridated water,
It has recently been discovered that fluoride effects the pineal gland in the brain, and can calcify it.
www.ukcaf.org says
Fluoride is not essential for human growth and development, and the fluoride content of the body is not under physiological control.
www.fluoridealert.org reports
The CDC’s concession, in 1999 and 2001, that the predominant benefit of fluoride in reducing tooth decay is TOPICAL and not SYSTEMIC. To the extent fluoride works to reduce tooth decay, it works from the outside of the tooth, not from inside the body. It makes no sense to drink it and expose the rest of the body to the long term risks of fluoride ingestion when fluoridated toothpaste is readily available.
York Report
This 110 page report, known as the York Report, is being touted by proponents as giving fluoridation a clean bill of health.
Highlights of the report.
Reviewed 3,231 studies - rejected 93% or 3,017 studies - used 214 studies.
Of these studies selected, the vast majority were graded as Level C "poor quality with a risk of bias." None reached the highest quality (Level A).
Excludes ALL animal and toxicological studies.
Ignored the question of Total Fluoride Intake from all sources.
At a water fluoride level of 1.0 ppm, the prevalence of fluorosis was estimated to be 48%.
What are the side effects?
There are many side effects that are thought to be attributable to fluoride, but because of the lack of quality studies and reviews into the side effects it is difficult to say for definate,
Fluoride is known to be a cumulative poison, and a neurotoxin.
Dental Fluorosis, White and brown spots appear on the enamel of the teeth - causing a 'mottled' effect. This is the first sign that fluoride has poisoned enzymes in the body.
Links to ostio-sarcoma, a rare form of bone disease, have been made,
Joint and bone aches, which are known to disapear when the individual stops using fluoridated water,
It has recently been discovered that fluoride effects the pineal gland in the brain, and can calcify it.
Fluoride inhibits neuromuscular activity,
Gives kidney problems
IQ of children is lowered in fluoridated areas.
Formula made with fluoridated water contains 250 times more fluoride than the concentration found in human breast milk in non-fluoridated areas
The United States Pharmacopoeia lists some of the side effects from drinking 1 to 2 pints daily of municipally fluoridated water. The list includes: nausea, bloody vomit, faintness, stomach cramps, tremors, constipation, aching bones, stiffness, skin rash, weight loss, and brown or black discoloration of the teeth.
The 1991 Physicians' Desk Reference lists some of the same side effects from administered doses of fluoride.
The acceleration of the aging process by fluoride occurs at the bio-chemical level by means of:
1. enzyme inhibition;
2. collagen breakdown;
3. genetic damage; and/or
4. disruption of the immune system per se.
Fluoride damages enzymes which results in a wide range of chronic diseases. Fluoride as low as 1 ppm causes breakdown of collagen, the most abundant of the body's protein at 30%. It also leads to irregular formation of collagen which serves as a major structural component of skin, ligaments, tendons, muscles, cartilage, bones and teeth.
Fluoride interacts with the bonds which maintain the normal shape of proteins. With distorted protein, the immune system attacks it's own protein, the body's own tissue. Fluoride (at 1 ppm) in drinking water:
1. damages the immune system by inhibiting the migration rate of white blood cells to infected areas;
2. interferes with phagocytosis (the destruction of bacteria and other foreign agents by white blood cells); and
3. induces the release of superoxide free radicals in resting white blood cells.
This fluoride-induced interference leads to an increased and more prolonged exposure of the body to foreign materials and leads to the release of free radicals which damage the body and leads to a further acceleration of the aging process.
The Use Of Fluoridation For Mass Mind Control
The following letter was received by the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee Wisconsin, on 2 October 1954, from Mr. Charles Perkins, a chemist:
"Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual`s power to resist domination, by slowly poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain, thus making him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him."
"I was told of this entire scheme by a German chemist who was an official of the great IG Farben chemical industries and was also prominent in the Nazi movement at the time. I say this with all the earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent nearly 20 years` research into the chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology of fluorine--any person who drinks artificially fluorinated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same person mentally or physically." CHARLES E. PERKINS, Chemist, 2 October 1954.
The acceleration of the aging process by fluoride occurs at the bio-chemical level by means of:
1. enzyme inhibition;
2. collagen breakdown;
3. genetic damage; and/or
4. disruption of the immune system per se.
Fluoride damages enzymes which results in a wide range of chronic diseases. Fluoride as low as 1 ppm causes breakdown of collagen, the most abundant of the body's protein at 30%. It also leads to irregular formation of collagen which serves as a major structural component of skin, ligaments, tendons, muscles, cartilage, bones and teeth.
Fluoride interacts with the bonds which maintain the normal shape of proteins. With distorted protein, the immune system attacks it's own protein, the body's own tissue. Fluoride (at 1 ppm) in drinking water:
1. damages the immune system by inhibiting the migration rate of white blood cells to infected areas;
2. interferes with phagocytosis (the destruction of bacteria and other foreign agents by white blood cells); and
3. induces the release of superoxide free radicals in resting white blood cells.
This fluoride-induced interference leads to an increased and more prolonged exposure of the body to foreign materials and leads to the release of free radicals which damage the body and leads to a further acceleration of the aging process.
The Use Of Fluoridation For Mass Mind Control
The following letter was received by the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee Wisconsin, on 2 October 1954, from Mr. Charles Perkins, a chemist:
"Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual`s power to resist domination, by slowly poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain, thus making him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him."
"I was told of this entire scheme by a German chemist who was an official of the great IG Farben chemical industries and was also prominent in the Nazi movement at the time. I say this with all the earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent nearly 20 years` research into the chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology of fluorine--any person who drinks artificially fluorinated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same person mentally or physically." CHARLES E. PERKINS, Chemist, 2 October 1954.
Is it Legal?
Only by consent.
By presenting fluoridation as a means of preventing tooth decay Health Secretary Alan Johnson confirms the practice is medication and this is carried out by water companies in violation of their customers' human right to refuse consent to any medical intervention
Directive 2004/27/EC as of 31 March 2004
2. Medicinal product:
(a) "Any substance or combination of substances presented as having properties for treating or preventing disease in human beings; or"
(b) "Any substance or combination of substances which may be used in or administered to human beings either with a view to restoring, correcting or modifying physiological functions by exerting a pharmacological, immunological or metabolic action, or to making a medical diagnosis."
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine: Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine.
Chapter 2 Consent
Article 5 - General rule
"An intervention in the health field may only be carried out after the person concerned has given free and informed consent to it."
"This person shall beforehand be given appropriate information as to the purpose and nature of the intervention as well as on its consequences and risks."
The person concerned may freely withdraw consent at any time."
What to do?
Research lawful remedy.
By presenting fluoridation as a means of preventing tooth decay Health Secretary Alan Johnson confirms the practice is medication and this is carried out by water companies in violation of their customers' human right to refuse consent to any medical intervention
Directive 2004/27/EC as of 31 March 2004
2. Medicinal product:
(a) "Any substance or combination of substances presented as having properties for treating or preventing disease in human beings; or"
(b) "Any substance or combination of substances which may be used in or administered to human beings either with a view to restoring, correcting or modifying physiological functions by exerting a pharmacological, immunological or metabolic action, or to making a medical diagnosis."
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine: Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine.
Chapter 2 Consent
Article 5 - General rule
"An intervention in the health field may only be carried out after the person concerned has given free and informed consent to it."
"This person shall beforehand be given appropriate information as to the purpose and nature of the intervention as well as on its consequences and risks."
The person concerned may freely withdraw consent at any time."
What to do?
Research lawful remedy.
Buy a reverse osmosis filtration unit and charge it to the water company.
Monday, 16 February 2009
Octo-Mom and other oddities
I was listening to Todd Campbell from Through the Looking Glass blog's interview on Red Ice Creations radio, link here
and the mention of the Octo-Mom alerted my brain to a couple of things I will mention here.
First thing that came to my attention is the name of 33 year-old Octo-Mom, Nadya Suleman aka Natalie Suleman aka Natalie Doud. Natalie made my ears prick up as it's meaning from Italian is Birth of Christ and Natal from the latin means birth. Nadya/Nadia means Hope in Russian and in Arabic, announcer or caller. With all the recent messiah-talk recently, I thought we might being sent some kind of message.

Suleman also made me take notice due to the location of the previous Temples of Solomon and where Zionazis wish to build the third one. Temple Mount in Jerusalem. At the moment however it is currently occupied by the Dome of the Rock which is an octagonal building.

This 8-sided building thus resonates with Octo-Mom's babies who have all been given biblical names plus the middle-name of....Angel. The Dome of the Rock is where Muhammed was taken up to heaven by an Angel.
And speaking of Angels, Octo-Mom herself has been accused of being obsessed with Angelina Jolie. Angelina is also the the mother of twins which also synchs in with Octo-Mom's 2-year old twins. Octo-Mom also gave birth at the Kaiser Permanente hospital which has also been in the news recently.

Kaiser Permanente was the employers of the ill-fated 8 member family which included two sets of twins. The note that the Father sent to a TV station after killing his family and before he killed himself contained the Masonic distress signal 'Oh Lord, my God, is there no hope for this widow's son.
This is a reference to Hiram Abiff the Master Mason who built the original Solomons Temple. The story is here
The location of the Temple/Dome of the Rock was where Jesus (the Permanent King? aka Kaiser Permanente?) cleared the Moneychangers from the Temple. At the moment we are certainly seeing our Moneychangers/Bankers in some sort of upheaval. And wasn't it the Temple of Solomon that the architects of modern-day banking, the Templars made their home?
PS. Did I forget to mention the name of the father of the Octuplets. It's David Solomon!
PPS. And Octo-Mom's grandmother is called Angela, her grandfather is Edward Doud (David?) Suleman
and the mention of the Octo-Mom alerted my brain to a couple of things I will mention here.
First thing that came to my attention is the name of 33 year-old Octo-Mom, Nadya Suleman aka Natalie Suleman aka Natalie Doud. Natalie made my ears prick up as it's meaning from Italian is Birth of Christ and Natal from the latin means birth. Nadya/Nadia means Hope in Russian and in Arabic, announcer or caller. With all the recent messiah-talk recently, I thought we might being sent some kind of message.

Suleman also made me take notice due to the location of the previous Temples of Solomon and where Zionazis wish to build the third one. Temple Mount in Jerusalem. At the moment however it is currently occupied by the Dome of the Rock which is an octagonal building.

This 8-sided building thus resonates with Octo-Mom's babies who have all been given biblical names plus the middle-name of....Angel. The Dome of the Rock is where Muhammed was taken up to heaven by an Angel.
And speaking of Angels, Octo-Mom herself has been accused of being obsessed with Angelina Jolie. Angelina is also the the mother of twins which also synchs in with Octo-Mom's 2-year old twins. Octo-Mom also gave birth at the Kaiser Permanente hospital which has also been in the news recently.

Kaiser Permanente was the employers of the ill-fated 8 member family which included two sets of twins. The note that the Father sent to a TV station after killing his family and before he killed himself contained the Masonic distress signal 'Oh Lord, my God, is there no hope for this widow's son.
This is a reference to Hiram Abiff the Master Mason who built the original Solomons Temple. The story is here
The location of the Temple/Dome of the Rock was where Jesus (the Permanent King? aka Kaiser Permanente?) cleared the Moneychangers from the Temple. At the moment we are certainly seeing our Moneychangers/Bankers in some sort of upheaval. And wasn't it the Temple of Solomon that the architects of modern-day banking, the Templars made their home?
PS. Did I forget to mention the name of the father of the Octuplets. It's David Solomon!
PPS. And Octo-Mom's grandmother is called Angela, her grandfather is Edward Doud (David?) Suleman
dome of the rock,
temple mount
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Shiva beheads Ganesh

How did the God Shiva and his wife Goddess Parvati end up with a son with the head of an elephant? I have often wondered at the deeper meaning of this story and I recently came across an explanation in the book entitled 'Ganapati' by R.L. Kashyap.
First, the basics of the story.
While Shiva is lost in meditation on Mount Kailash, Parvati wishes to bathe and so she creates from the rubbings of her skin, a son. He serves his Mother Parvati as a doorkeeper with strict instructions to allow no one to enter.
When Parvati is taking her bath her husband Shiva comes home. Ganesh refuses to allow Shiva to enter and Shiva cuts off his head. Parvati on discovering the death of her son is very upset and so Shiva sends out one of his attendants (Ganas) to bring back a head of the first being that they find. They bring back the head of an elephant and it is attached to the beheaded son and thus Ganesh/Ganapati is born.
So why did Shiva not just reattach the head he had sliced off before?
Kashyap in his book reminds us that Parvati the Mother Goddess represents Prakriti or Nature and Shiva represents Purusha, the Supreme Soul. The son of Parvati is therefore incomplete as he is made only of Prakriti and has no Purusha. By replacing his head with a new one he will be comprised of both Prakriti and Purusha.
Why an elephant? The sanskrit word for elephant is 'Gaja', which is comprised of two root words 'Ga', meaning heaven and 'Ja' meaning born, thus, 'heaven-born'.

The elephant can be used in many symbolic ways, for example, the large ears are equated with Ganesh's ability to hear prayers, the trunk can be used to make sound (mantra, om, nada brahma) and can form a shape similar to Om.

Ganesh is worshipped as 'Remover of Obstacles' and this one of the strengths of the elephant.

Jai Shri Ganesh!
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Dance of the Seven Veils

For some time now I have repeatedly come across severed heads, not literally you understand, but in reading about mythology and even occasionally in the news.
There has been a severed head found in Arbroath, Scotland link here
and more recently another in Edinburgh, Scotland link here
and also the Virginia Tech beheading in January link here
In Mythology

My interest and love of Hindu mythology is where I started asking about the reoccuring theme of decapitation.
Shiva cuts off the head of Brahma, Ganesh and Prajapati. The goddess Chinnamasta decapitates herself and Rama severes the 10 heads of Ravana. Kali devotees have often had their heads removed in honour of her too. In the next post I plan to explore the beheading of Ganesh, the god with the elephant head.

In Christian mythology the beheading of John the Baptist is what interests me, and even more is the Dance of the Seven Veils which was performed by Salome for Herod Antipas which led to the beheading.

I recently watched a video of the Dance of the Seven Veils and I came to the conclusion that this is a representation of the Kundalini energy. The belly-dancing female represents the Kundalini snake wriggling and writhing through the seven chakras with each (coloured) veil discarded representing the opening of each chakra.
From Babylon/Assyrian mythology the story of the goddess Ishtar visiting her sister Ereshkigal in the underworld also resonates with the seven chakras/veils as Ishtar has to travel through 7 gates to reach the underworld, discarding a piece of clothing as she goes, by the time she enters through the final gate she is naked. While Ishtar is in the underworld all sexual activity is stopped on earth (relating to the Svadisthana/sex chakra being closed?), later Ishtar leaves the underworld and returns through the 7 gates regaining her clothing at each gate. This story seems to me to be refering to the Kundalini energy descending through the chakras and then once again rising to be united with the crown chakra/Shiva.
I am not sure of the meaning of all this yet but just throwing out a few things that are going through my mind.
UPDATE: In the Rudyard Kipling story, The Man Who Would Be King, Danny (the God-King) has his severed head carried by his friend Peachy back from Kafiristan.
an excerpt from the book:-
He fumbled in the mass of rags round his
bent waist; brought out a black horsehair
bag embroidered with silver thread; and
shook therefrom on to my table—the dried,
withered head of Daniel Dravot! The morning
sun that had long been paling the lamps
struck the red beard and blind sunken eyes;
struck, too, a heavy circlet of gold studded
with raw turquoises, that Carnehan placed
tenderly on the battered temples.
“You behold now,” said Carnehan, “the
Emperor in his habit as he lived—the King
of Kafiristan with his crown upon his
head. Poor old Daniel that was a monarch

This book which was made into a film in 1975 starring Sean Connery as Danny and Micheal Caine as Peachy Carnehan has been linked to the story of the fallen angels in this excellent you tube video, Hollywood Insiders: Fallen Angels.
UPDATE#2: In the film Se7en with Brad Pitt & Morgan Freeman as detectives investigating a killer inspired by the 7 deadly sins (a result of 7 closed chakras?), Pitt's wife (Gwyneth Paltrow) is beheaded.
john the baptist,
seven veils,
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Distress Signal from UK Government

During the visit of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and the signing of a trade agreement with Lord Mandelson and PM Brown the Union Flag was displayed as a distress signal (upside down). I would probably think this was all by accident if I wasn't looking at Mandy and Gordon's faces!
here is the link.
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
13 o'clock
I found this story today about how a Tesco One Stop store has twice refused a 70 year old woman from buying wine unless she proves ID.
I started to think along the usual lines of the coming National ID which the government are attempting to foist on us, but then I realised that actually this is a simple, honest and sincere attempt to cut down the amount of underage drinkers who dress in disguise as old folk and attempt to purchase alcohol.
So, well done Tesco! May I suggest also that sellers of false beards and moustaches, wigs, make-up, joke warts, pimples, noses and ears etc also request ID before purchase.
I started to think along the usual lines of the coming National ID which the government are attempting to foist on us, but then I realised that actually this is a simple, honest and sincere attempt to cut down the amount of underage drinkers who dress in disguise as old folk and attempt to purchase alcohol.
So, well done Tesco! May I suggest also that sellers of false beards and moustaches, wigs, make-up, joke warts, pimples, noses and ears etc also request ID before purchase.
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Saturday, 17 January 2009
Thursday, 15 January 2009
The Crowley Thumb Sign
here is a clip of Tony Blair doing his famous hand signal
and here is Gordon Brown doing the same thing but much more frequently
did they pick this up from The Beast himself, Aleister Crowley? Is this a ritual magic hand signal?
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Choice #3 Drugs
Just came across this article in Time Magazine. As well as annoying me for it's unbalanced view on whether marijuana is good or bad for you, it annoyed me because Dr Sanjay Gupta seems to think that because a substance is "bad for you" that peoples choice should be taken away from them.
If the words 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' don't include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn't worth the hemp it was written on. -Terence McKenna
If I decide to use a substance that is bad for me and doesn't really affect anybody but myself then that is MY business NOT the governments.
Red meat is bad for you, along with alcohol, tobacco, sugar, cream cakes and MSG, but all these things are also made by choice and legal. Why should drugs of any sort be any different?
There are plenty of things which are dangerous and effect other peoples lives without any choice in the matter. I don't have any choice whether I breathe in car exhaust fumes or have to live in a world we bomb the planet with depleted uranium and build nuclear plants.
Keeping drugs illegal benefits criminals, makes quality hard to control and takes away freedom of choice. Legalize them all!
(Of course, if you are a Freeman-on-the-Land, then statutes don't apply and you are free to use and/or abuse any substance you wish, but this type of attitude still stinks!)
edit - Terence McKenna quote sums it up nicely
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